The Blog

Cupple Singled out by Gizmodo

On Valentines day you can imagine that Gizmodo’s options are plentiful of ‘love’ apps that could be featured. However they chose Cupple as their App of the Day and awarded it a nice golden star.

Cupple, which we developed for the agency Darling Dash allows two people to privately share photos, location and messages with their better half and importantly, we don’t steal a users phone book at any point!

Go check out the App available from the App Store, it’s free!

iBooks Author

As soon as iBooks Author was introduced our minds boggled at what the possibilities were, outside of the textbooks that Apple expect you to use it for obviously.

So we set about creating some content and the result is an interactive version of our portfolio, that includes images, 3D models, Google Maps, Twitter feeds and a whole host of other cool functionality, that makes our work look pretty good!

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Nokia Publisher Success

We’re proud to have been featured on the prestigious Nokia Developer site. We’ve been picked on for the downloads that we’ve achieved on the Ovi platform for our Flash content that we’ve released, including the mind boggling puzzle game Revolve.

Considering the fresh and talented competition in the mobile gaming market, the UK-based Fluid Pixel team, with a strong background in console game development, set forth to create a game that matched the capabilities of Nokia’s mobile phone technology, appealed to a wide audience and that didn’t rely on language, reactions, skill or knowledge.

For the full article and other great Developer insights take a look at or follow the Nokia team on Twitter.



Ovi 5 Million

Another milestone reached, this time on the Ovi Store, where we’ve reached the 5 million download mark. We’ve been amongst the top developer list for a while now, but reaching this target is a huge boost to the team.

We’ve seen consistent growth from the store and the downloads cover a range of titles, including the Number 1 Overall title Revolve, through to Animentals, the virtual pet sensation and not forgetting the Official Italian Football Games for the Azzurri.

Part of our success has been targeting the whole range of Nokia devices, from legacy S40 devices to the latest and greatest smart phones. We’ve been able to do this by using Flash to create the content, which can be designed to suit every device that Nokia releases thanks to their inbuilt support of Flash as a platform.

Fluid Pixel in NEBusiness

We’ve been lucky enough to be featured in NEBusiness again this week for our work on the exciting developments in the Bubblepix project; “TECHNOLOGY which turns a smartphone into a camera that takes 360-degree panorama pictures”

“Paul Callaghan, deputy chief executive of DigitalCity Business, said he was delighted to see a North East company leading the way in app development and making such a significant contribution to the digital economy.”

The Bubble Scope is due out in November, initially for iPhone, but an Android version will follow shortly after.

Read the full article or follow @bubblepix to keep up with the news.

Flash Enterprise Builds

We work with a lot of different clients here at Fluid Pixel, when we aren’t developing our own stuff, and sometimes that could mean a whole lot of different UDID’s getting sent to us so that our clients can have a look at the Work In Progress (WIP) and test out what we’re developing for them. This can be a bit of a problem as Apple only allows 100 Devices to be registered per year per developer account, and these tend to run out pretty quickly.

The solution for us was to get an Enterprise Developers account as this allows us to do an enterprise distribution build that lets us avoid having to register any UDID’s also we can distribute the WIP build to clients wirelessly through our own Development website, all through the browser on their iOS device.

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